Day 10

My most proud moment.

This makes me happy that I chose to do this 30 day challenge because it makes me think of things I don’t usually think about.

Every day I feel extremely proud of my daughter. She is constantly learning new things and amazes me.

Ive had many proud moments in life but I would say my most proud moment would be when I first breastfed my daughter as a newborn.

Before having my daughter I knew I wanted to breastfeed but I always thought it was going to be hard. I was told it would be hard. I didn’t know if or how long Id able to breastfeed. I didn’t do my research on breastfeeding at all during pregnancy (something I would recommend to expecting mothers if you can) and I had no idea about the 4th trimester or cluster feeding.

The first time she latched on I was over the moon. I remember looking at her and saying out loud “I love being a mum and breastfeeding”.

That is by far my proudest moment.