Heartbreaking tragedy 

A few days ago I read a news article via my Facebook and ever since its really stuck with me. I know there are already a few news articles out there but I decided that I wanted to write this post as a bit of a tribute to this lady and her son and to raise awareness.

On Thursday night, 25year old Jasmine Riley, wrote a devastating farewell message on Facebook. Jasmine was the mother to her 2 year old son Braxon. She was also a horse trainer.

That night it was her fathers birthday and Good Friday was the day that he had passed away. She wrote a tribute to her father and her horse that had recently passed away. She also wrote about being the victim of domestic violence and continued on to say “This would come as a shock to most people because I’m always happy and smiling. It’s funny how much you can hide behind a smile”.

While she was writing that status she was sitting at the top of the cliffs at Maroubra Beach with beautiful Braxon in her arms. And only minutes after posting it she jumped off with him.

Maroubra beach isn’t far from where I live. I wish I could have sat with her to try and talk her out of it like Don ‘The Angel of the Gap’ would have. I wish her beautiful innocent son didn’t get caught up in this. I wish she hadn’t suffered with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for so long all alone. I wish that she had got the help she needed. She had suicidal thoughts that she never told anyone about. She said they were like standing in a pond of leeches “you pull one off and another 10 jump on”.

I don’t think for a second that this woman was weak. What happened was absolutely tragic. It breaks my heart. And I don’t think that Braxon deserved to have been taken away. But I think that Jasmine had fought so hard and she had sadly lost hope.

I know that this is a very sensitive topic for some and I hope not to offend anyone with my post. Its is hard for me to write about but I feel that it is important for you to know that these types of things do happen. I lost a friend to suicide a few years ago.

Domestic violence does happen. It changes people. Depression is real. PTSD is real. Mental illness is real.

Please look out for your family and friends. If you notice something, speak up for them.
If you need help right now please contact Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.

Written in memory of Braxon, Jasmine and my girl Mel. Rest in Peace angels ~ fly high.